The main objective of the project is the transfer and practical implementation of the vocational education and training European Course on Eco-efficiency including sector specific training courses in the following areas: building and construction, food, mobility, tourism, renewable energy sources and energy-related products.

TREO (Training on Resource Efficiency and Optimization) is a partnership project, which main objective is to transfer and exploit the vocational education and training (VET) European Course on Eco-efficiency developed within the TRUST IN partnership to VET schools, business representatives and enterprises in partner countries, and implement it through interactive and innovative processes with enterprises and teachers and trainers at the partnering VET institutions.

Leonardo da Vinci Partnership is a framework for small-scale cooperation activities between organisations working in the field of vocational education and training that co-operate on themes of mutual interest. TREO partnership is formed by a large group of well recognized institutions in the field of resource efficiency and sustainable development and in the field of world of work, including institutions from both old and new EU Member States. The link between VET professionals and working life enables integration of theoretical and tacit knowledge and leads to desired learning and networking in the area of resource efficiency.

Within TREO, five workshops will be organized in different countries, each one being specialized in one of the sectors targeted by the project. Special attention will be given to facilitation of participation of relevant important stakeholders, including VET schools and institutions, higher education experts, SMEs, professional associations, chambers of industry and commerce, trade organizations, regional and local authorities.

Lead partner

Aalborg University, Denmark (

Other partners

ENVIROS, Czech Republic (

University of Maribor, Slovenia (

Nigrad, Slovenia (

STENUM, Austria (

Austrian Institute of Ecology, Austria (

Danish Standards Foundation, Denmark (

National Laboratory of Energy and Geology, Portugal (


ATMOTERM, Poland (

National Centre for Sustainable Production and Consumption, Romania (

Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture Timisoara, Romania (

Social and Environmental Responsibility Centre, Bulgaria (

Subalansuotos pramones pletros centras (Kaunas University of Technology), Lithuania (


This project is funded by Lifelong Learning Programme – Leonardo da Vinci, Partnerships.

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