The Circular Start into Business project – CircularStart – is a 2-year ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnership that brings together 9 partners from four EU countries to address the need of know-how and compet ...
EduZWaCE (Education for Zero Waste and Circular Economy)
Project timeline: 2018-2020 The primary goal of EduZWaCE Strategic Partnerships is to support collaboration, the exchange of information and good practices, enabling stakeholders to deepen a ...
KATCH_e: Knowledge Alliance on Product-Service Development Circular Economy towards and Sustainability in Higher Education
Project timeline: 2017-2020 The overall objective of the project is to develop multidisciplinary innovative training materials and curricula on the application of the Circular Economy (CE) a ...
The aim of SInnDesign is to develop training materials and tools for design for sustainability (DfS) of furniture, textiles for the habitat and building materials, leading to innovative and co ...
The main objective of the project is the transfer and practical implementation of the vocational education and training European Course on Eco-efficiency including sector specific training courses ...
InEDIC – Innovation and Ecodesign in the Ceramic Industry
The project’s primary goal is the development of ecodesign training materials and tools to the ceramic industry in order to provide designers, training and education organizations and businesses with ...
CSI EU – Deutsch
* Wie gesellschaftlicher Verantwortung besser in kleine und mittelere Unternehmen implementiert werden kann* Wie dabei der Leitfaden ISO 26000 als Katalysator dienen kann* Entwicklung einer prakt ...
CSI EU – Español
Objetivo principal CSI EU es mejorar la aplicación de la RS en las Pymes * Cómo aplicar mejor la RS en las Pymes* Como norma ISO 26000 podría servir como un catalizador de la implementación de la ...