The aim of SInnDesign is to develop
SInnDesign (Sustainable Innovation through Design) focuses on design for sustainability (DfS) of furniture, textiles for the habitat and building materials, leading to innovative and competitive solutions. It is a Transfer of Innovation of other projects, primarily InEDIC – Innovation and Ecodesign in the Ceramic Industry (www.inedic.net) and the ECODESIGN PILOT, a practical software tool for identifying and implementing Ecodesign measures into products (www.ecodesign.at/pilot). In SInnDesign the results of these projects are transferred to new sectors and countries and there is an extra focus on important topics for companies in the context of a globalized economy: social criteria in design and innovation.
The consortium includes organizations
from Portugal, Austria, Denmark and Spain, with recognized experience in
international projects in the area of sustainability and innovation in
the target sectors. Besides the Applicant Organization, the Management
Coordinator and the Core Partners, responsible for the contents
development and the coordination of national activities, there are also
Associated Partners (AP), with specific roles in the project: some will
be dedicated to support the test and validation of SInnDesign in
companies and other AP will support the integration of the results in
national VET systems.
The main outcomes will be state-of-the art training materials and tools: the SInnDesign Manual on DfS and Innovation, the SInnDesign Tools, the Resources Centre and the Catalogue of Good Practices. These results will be available for the training of professionals involved in product development from the three sectors and also as vocational training units (or parts thereof) in the national qualification catalogues of the participating countries. For this purpose, there is a specific work package on the integration of SInnDesign outputs in partner countries’ VET systems, resulting on the definition of National and Sectoral Training Strategies, a Manual for Teachers and Trainers and a Guideline for the integration of DfS in VET. All the development work will be based on an initial review of training needs and opportunities in this field.
Lead partner
Management Coordinator:
LNEG – National Laboratory of Energy and Geology, Portugal: www.lneg.pt
Applicant Organization:
PROSPEKTIKER – European Institute for Future Studies and Strategic Planning, Spain: www.prospektiker.es
Other partners
ITC – Institute of Ceramic Technology, Spain: www.itc.uji.es
CITEVE – Technological Centre of Textiles, Portugal: www.citeve.pt
VUT – Vienna Technical University, Austria: www.tuwien.ac.at
AIE – Austrian Institute of Ecology, Austria: www.ecology.at
AAU – Aalborg University, Denmark: www.aau.dk
KEA – Copenhagen School of Design and Technology, Denmark: www.kea.dk
ANQEP – National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education and Training, Portugal: www.anqep.gov.pt
CEFIRE – Training, Innovation and Education Resources Center for Vocational Training, Art and Sports Education, Spain: http://mestreacasa.gva.es/web/cefirefp
APCMC – Portuguese Association of Traders of Building Materials, Portugal: www.apcmc.pt
COCIN CS – Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Castellón, Spain: www.camaracastellon.com
Gabriel A/S, Denmark: www.gabriel.dk
Montana, Denmark: www.montana.dk
Fritz Hansen A/S, Denmark: www.fritzhansen.com
HTL Dornbirn – Higher technical college Dornbirn, Austria: www.htldornbirn.at
IBW – Institute for Research on Qualifications and Training of the Austrian Economy, Austria: www.ibw.at
Lifelong Learning Programme, Leonardo da Vinci Subprogramme, Transfer of Innovation.