24 January, 2012 — 27 January, 2012
The time for handing over the chairmanship of PREPARE from Denmark to the Czech Republic has come.
It will be an extravagant and interesting beginning for the Czech chairmanship: The Czech minister of environment, Tomáš Chalupa, is expected to introduce the event. This will be followed up by an array of experienced speakers on some of the core issues that PREPARE is dealing with: Eco efficiency (including the business-perspective) and CSR.
Additionally, the following days will consist of PREPARE core group and TRUST IN partnership meetings.
– Tuesday 24th: Official transfer of PREPARE chairmanship
– Wednesday 25th: PREPARE Core Group Meeting
– Thursday 26th: PREPARE Core Group Meeting and TRUST IN partnership meeting
– Friday 27th: TRUST IN partnership meeting
Please register for all meetings by filling out the Registration Form at the right and returning it to office@empress.cz before 12th January 2012.
To book hotel, send the Diplomat Hotel Booking Form (also right side of the page) to reservation@diplomathotel.cz before 10th January 2012.
Payment details: €50/day, which can be payed to the hotel directly with the accommodation bill. I.e. €85/night + €50/conference day
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