The UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative, Flagship Project 3a, report on “Hotspots Analysis: mapping of existing methodologies, tools and guidance and initial recommendations for the development of global guidance” was released in December 2014.
This research project forms the first phase of the Life Cycle Initiative‟s Flagship Project 3a, in which global hotspots analysis methodologies will be mapped and analysed to identify and understand their commonalities and differences. Ultimately the outcome of this study will be used to produce: a common methodological framework and global guidance for sustainability hotspots analysis; a protocol for the appropriate use and communication of sustainability information derived from hotspots analysis; and to evaluate and, if possible, implement a range of options to bring together the findings from existing hotspots studies to provide a richer, global picture of sustainability hotspots in the economy and society.
The report can be downloaded from the Initiative website.